Lilli’s tech funding aims to help tackle care challenges

Nick Weston

Health-tech company Lilli is providing funds to support local authorities and integrated care boards (ICBs) in adopting monitoring technology ahead of the winter.

Its Proactive Care Fund has an application process and access to up to £1m of matched funding to support care delivery, and help people to live independently for longer.

Lilli’s non-intrusive technology provides detailed, round-the-clock monitoring of behaviours. By using machine learning in observing patterns and trends among users, the tech supports care providers to identify behavioural changes before conditions become acute, supporting users and helping reduce hospital visits.

Its data helps professionals to right size care packages and make evidence-based decisions by giving insight into what a service user is capable of within their own home. It is being used across the country to speed up hospital discharge and care assessments, as well as cutting social care waiting lists.

Councils and ICBs have benefitted from previous rounds of the fund, including North Central London ICB, Hillingdon Council, Oxfordshire County Council and Medway Council.

‘The health and social care system in the UK is overwhelmed – with staff recruitment and retention issues and squeezed budgets causing unprecedented strain in all corners of the system, meaning people are not getting the care they need quick enough. This is particularly the case over winter,’ said Nick Weston, chief commercial officer at Lilli.

‘While it is widely acknowledged that technology must be the solution to the growing disparity between capacity and demand, budget constraints, lack of capacity and complex public procurement processes often present a blocker to much-needed digital transformation. The Proactive Care Fund has been set up to overcome these challenges quickly and effectively.’

Applications are open from Friday 5 July. For more information click here.