Mark Kerr appointed CEO of The Children’s Homes Association

Dr Mark Kerr

Dr Mark Kerr has been appointed chief executive officer of The Children’s Homes Association (CHA) with immediate effect, having served as interim CEO for the past six months.

Dr Kerr, who has also served as deputy CEO of the membership body, has a career in academic research, policy, service development, and supporting local authorities and providers to improve outcomes through evidence-based solutions.

His PhD investigated the factors influencing outcomes for children and young people in residential care. Since Dr Kerr joined CHA, he has led changes in the organisation’s culture, values and relationships with stakeholders, including the Department for Education.

‘We are confident that Mark’s continued leadership will be valued by all CHA members and all stakeholders we engage with,’ said CHA’s chair, Clair Davies.

Kerr added: ‘Members of CHA will be benefitting from more support than ever before as we introduce multiple new developments this year, from specialist seminars supporting practitioners to a brand-new digital platform for shared learning and networking; all developments that we know will have a positive impact on the care provided to our society’s most vulnerable.

‘I am also proud to say that CHA’s constructive relationships with government and stakeholders have never been stronger, and I look forward to continuing to drive sector improvements through such collaboration.’