Nathan Hollow appointed trustee of The Care Workers’ Charity

Nathan Hollow

Nathan Hollow will help guide the strategic direction of The Care Workers’ Charity (CWC) after being appointed a trustee.

Hollow is group board director and head of health and social care at PLMR Group – a public affairs, PR, corporate, digital and crisis communications agency. He has specialised in health and social care communications for the past 13 years.

As a trustee, he will be working with the wider board and CWC chief executive Karolina Gerlich. CWC supports current and former care workers facing unforeseen challenges. The charity provides mental health support, hardship grants, and political representation for care workers. It has handed out £6m in grants since 2020, helping over 10,000 care workers in need.

‘Now, more than ever, the charity has a vital role to play in supporting care workers through what will undoubtedly be a very tough few years as cost-of-living pressures and the Covid-19 Inquiry continue. I am also eager to contribute to the charity’s work to increase the recognition and value wider society places on care work,’ Hollow said.

‘From there, I hope we can encourage those whose loved ones benefit the passion of carers – as my family and I have – to give back and donate to the charity, expanding the charity’s reach and diversifying its funding beyond the sector so it can have a strong future ahead of it.’

Gerlich added: ‘The Care Workers’ Charity has been at the forefront of providing crucial support to care workers, and we only want to continue to enhance our impact. We are excited about the positive contributions Nathan will bring to our cause and look forward to working collaboratively towards our shared goal of supporting those who dedicate their lives to caring for others.’