Anchor selects Plentific to digitalise its property operations

Sarah Jones, CEO, Anchor

Anchor has selected software solutions provider Plentific to digitalise its operations across its property portfolio.

Plentific will provide a real-time platform that connects Anchor colleagues and residents with contractors and digitalises the supply chain. Anchor will move to a single technology and supply infrastructure, delivering property services to its residents.

The platform will support Anchor’s 65,000 residents across 54,000 homes, with the solution serving as a hub for housing and care operator’s 200,000 work orders per year, integrating with its third-party housing management, contractors and accounting software.

Together, they will aim to connect communities and digitally transform housing operations, while unlocking efficiencies both within the operations of the business and for residents.

Plentific’s platform is used as an integration layer to join Anchor’s contracting partners, digitalising operations for its Tier 1 main contractors and Tier 2 sub-contractors, helping to build a more resilient solution.

The platform will also enable other automations, including work order management for proactive planned and reactive maintenance, inspections, resident engagement, as well as supply chain, voids and compliance management. It also includes a marketplace of local SME contractors.

It is planned for roll out in early 2025, with the whole process taking eight months to validate.

‘We know that completing repairs and planned property works on time, to a good standard, at a price that represents value for money is central to our residents’ experience of their homes and it is vital that we get this right,’ said Sarah Jones, chief executive officer at Anchor. ‘Our partnership with Plentific will help us to achieve this aim, harnessing the power of aligned people, systems and processes to deliver a consistent and responsive service.’

The companies will share insights from their journey with the wider UK housing sector. Over time, the intention is to deliver a blueprint for adoption by the industry.

Cem Savas, Plentific CEO, added: ‘We are excited to be working in partnership with Anchor to deliver a tenant-first experience. Our platform is enabling Anchor to process jobs in a flexible way, bringing services to residents more efficiently, achieving value for money whilst delivering good quality homes across Anchor’s communities.

‘Together, we are developing a digital blueprint encompassing our full suite of solutions, which will be replicated across the UK housing sector, maximising capabilities and taking property operations to the next level.’